Well, Hello!
We have decided to start our newsletters again, so welcome to our Winter 2024 edition!
Each season we email you a copy. We hope that you might enjoy a reading
it together, maybe with a nice hot chocolate as well!
TCT is busier than ever, keeping us all out of mischief and offering all sorts of services and support for the lovely families that visit us.
We have been expanding some of our services. The Physio, Psychology and SLT teams have all grown recently. It’s lovely to welcome some new faces and some old friends too who have retuned after taking up different roles or are back from maternity leave.
Please remember we always like feedback - any type as long as its constructive. You are welcome to email, or we have a little post box in our waiting area at the clinic, with forms ready for you to complete and post.
We hope you enjoy some Wintery walks and some snuggly evenings. Keep warm!
The TCT Team 😊
Joke Corner!

What do snowmen eat for lunch?
What do you think the police man said when he caught a snowman stealing carrots?
What would a tree say after a very long winter?
What a re-leaf!
Knock, Knock. Who’s there? Snow. Snow who?
Snow use I can’t remember!
What kind of robots live at the North Pole?
What is a polar bear’s favourite food?
What do you get when you cross a snowman with a shark?
What is the best breakfast cereal to eat in Winter?

What do you call a snowman temper tantrum?
A meltdown!
What did one snowflake say to the other snowflake?
You’re one of a kind!
Why did Princess Elsa fall of her sledge?
She let it go!
Why do reindeer have fur coats?
Because they’d look silly in snowsuits!
What sort of ball doesn’t bounce?
A snowball!
What sort of cakes do snowmen like?
Any – as long as they have lots of ice-ing on them!
Challenge Corner
See how many ‘winter blue’ items you can find in your house.

Find a pair of gloves, socks, a hat and a scarf and see how long it takes to put them all on. (You can ask a grown up to help you if you need to).
If you want a harder challenge, get a family member to hide the items around the house or in a room and then you can time yourself finding them and putting them on!
Can you do a star jump for every year of your age? (5 star jumps if you are five years old, or 50 star jumps if you are fifty years old!)
Create an alphabet full of winter or cold items. E.g. A for Antarctic, B for Boots, C for Cold.
On a very cold morning, go into the garden and count how many cobwebs you can
find. They show up much better in the Wintertime.
Riddle: What can travel around the world but always stays in one spot?
Answer: A Stamp
Did you know that…
Did you know that the sun looks bigger in winter? It gets closer to the Earth to keep us a bit warmer (but it is still 92 million miles away from us!)
The first Winter Olympics was held in 1924 (100 years ago) in the French Alps.
Reindeer actually do have red noses like Rudolph! They have lots of tiny veins in their nose to heat up the air that they breathe in so that they don’t get cold.
Did you know that each snowflake has six sides BUT each snowflake is entirely unique, you will never find two snowflakes that look the same.
Polar bears and penguins do not live in the same place! Polar bears live in the North Pole, but penguins live closer to the South Pole.

Your shadow will always be tallest in winter!
A dog’s nose is like a human’s fingerprint – unique to each dog.
Gorillas burp when they are happy.
Your nose and ears continue to grow your whole life!
The most snow to ever fall in one day was 63 inches. This was in America in 1913 - over 100 years ago.
In the Scottish language, they have 421 words that are related to snow or cold weather.
Question time – TCT Team Member

What is your favourite chocolate bar? Dairy milk is my favourite bar, but I do love a strawberry or orange cream as well...
What is your favourite song?
Love is like a butterfly (Dolly Parton)
What is the best thing(s) to do on a cold, winter day?
Cuddle up in front of a warm fire with a good book, a blanket and a pet.
What is your favourite quote or saying?
"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think" Christopher Robin
Fun Ideas & Activities

Make salt dough decorations: to make salt dough you need plain flour, salt and water.
Get a grown up to put the oven on a low heat (50 degrees) then mix the ingredients in a bowl until it’s a ball of dough. Then roll the dough out and use cookie cutters to make some shapes out of the dough. Ask a grown up to put your shapes in the oven for 3 hours. You will then have some shapes that you can decorate with paint when they
are cool.
Bird feeder: make a bird feeder using a finished toilet roll! Cover the toilet roll
tube in lard or peanut butter, and then roll in in a tray of mixed bird seed until it is
completely covered. Get a grown up to attach some string at the top, then you can
hang it on a tree outside and watch the birds come and eat the bird food!
Make some soup: to use up some vegetables in the fridge (like carrots,
potatoes and tomatoes) ask a grown up to help you roast the vegetables in the oven
until they are soft and then blitz them up in a food blender. Then add milk or cream
and enjoy!
Homemade hot chocolate: with the help of a grown up, make your own yummy hot
chocolate. Heat up milk, cocoa powder and sugar in a pan and whisk together until
everything has melted together. Pour into your favourite mug and top with whipped
cream and grate a little chocolate on top.
You can find many more fun Christmas activities, interesting links, and much more in the rest of the TCT Winter Newsletter, which you can download below:
If you have anything you would like to submit to us for consideration
to include in our Spring newsletter please get in touch. It might be a joke, something you have seen, done or even an idea.
Take care, and we will be in touch next year with another newsletter from TCT!